Travel Safety Information for Undocumented Immigrants

We know that for the undocumented in particular, traveling by plane, by public train or bus, or even on the road in a private car can all be pretty stressful. There are ways to reduce this stress through preparation, and increase the likelihood you will be safe and secure.


For domestic flights, it is important to have your ID ready -- even the undocumented have quite a few options for identification accepted by the TSA. You'll also want to secure all your electronic devices with a passcode (not face or fingerprints), which you are not required to provide.


For public buses and trains, it is always good to know your rights: you may remain silent; you can refuse to consent the search of your things; and you do not have to answer questions about your status or sign any paperwork. However, you should not lie to any agent of the government, nor should you ever provide false documents.


For cars, getting pulled over is scary, but especially for the undocumented. Many of the suggestions above apply, such as your right to remain silent. As a driver, you should pull over to a safe space, turn on the ceiling light, and keep your hands visible on the wheel. When asked, show required documents like a driver's license, insurance, and registration.


For more information, including acceptable forms of ID as well as special information for those with DACA, please see: