DHS introduces new parole process for Venezuelans

October saw the start of a new parole process for Venezuelan nationals seeking ‘safe haven’ in the United States due to dangerous and precarious conditions in Venezuela. While different in key respects, the program is based on a similar process opened for Ukrainian nationals fleeing the Russian invasion.


Online applications are open for a grant of advance permission to lawfully enter the United States through a form of parole. Applicants will require a U.S.-based sponsor to submit Affidavit of Support Form I-134, and once approved, the beneficiary applicant will be granted access to an online portal to submit biographic and medical information. If approved, a 2-year grant of parole will be issued to the applicant who can then lawfully enter the U.S. Further medical examination and vaccination may be necessary. Approved individuals can then apply for Employment Authorization through Form I-765.


For more complete information, please see CLINIC’s breakdown of the new program: https://cliniclegal.org/file-download/download/public/68700